
Writing and etymology in Korean
英 (영) [yeong] - outstanding
雄 (웅) [ung] - masculine

Heroes are the best of their people, capable of doing what others cannot. We do not call those who do no more than other heroes. Such people are ordinary soldiers. But when a man takes on a task that his comrades could not do, he becomes a hero. A man will not be called a hero just because he works along with everyone else.

To become a leader of historical significance, one must be able to face past and present difficulties fearlessly, and to turn any unfavorable circumstances to one’s advantage. One is a hero who knows how to turn enemies into friends.

The people we revere as saints, heroes, patriots and virtuous women became famous historical figures after they had tasted the troubles and misery of their country and fought bravely, risking their lives to establish a new state.

True love of country is expressed in sacrifice, patriotism, and devotion. It is the original driving force behind the country’s development. Any of the many national heroes we revere have exemplified patriotism and sacrifice rooted in true love.

Become the heroes who will take responsibility for the world’s toughest plots. Moreover, take on the hardest job position and take on the most difficult assignments. We need to step forward without rest for ten or even a hundred years in a row to achieve our goals. If our generation does not meet them, we must still meet them at all costs, even if the second and third generations have to make the effort.