Parallels of history

Writing and etymology in Korean
동시성 시대
[tongsiseong sidae]
同 (동) [tong] – identical
時 (시) [si] – period
性 (성) [seong] – nature, character
時代 (시대) [sidae] – era

When looking at the path of human history, we can see that some historical circumstances repeat over time. Some historians, struck by this phenomenon, have suggested that history develops in a spiral, each loop of which repeats a certain pattern.

How do the spirals of history form? We know that history consists of events that occur along the path of humanity’s development. When leaders, following that path, fail to fulfill their share of personal responsibility, the era of which that leader was the center comes to its demise.

Nevertheless, since the goal of history is absolutely predetermined by the Heavenly Parent, a new leader appears, who takes over this responsibility and begins a new historical period. Since this new period is the restoration of mistakes that were made in the previous one, it inevitably repeats a similar historical path.

We are the fruit of history, and we must fulfill our historical mission. To do this, we must, during our lifetime, complete the unfulfilled responsibility of historical figures in building the world.