Direction of world civilization

Writing and etymology in Korean
세계 문명의 방향
[segye munmyeong-ui banghyang]
世界 (세계) – peace
文明 (문명) – civilization
方向 (방향) – direction

Looking at the birthplaces of civilizations, we see that throughout world history they have evolved based on climatic conditions. As the historian Spengler noted, civilizations, like the four seasons, experience ups and downs.

Examining the process of formation of civilizations, the centers of which usually emerged in the river and coastal areas, we can notice that the center of cultural development is constantly moving. The world civilization in its development makes a circle, covering the entire globe.

Human civilization originated in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and on the banks of the Nile. It then shifted its center to the Mediterranean areas, where Greece, Rome, Spain, and Portugal played a leading role. In the next phase, Great Britain and the United States, countries belonging to the Atlantic region, took center stage.

During the period of fall, the area of civilization where the temperature is temperate ends, the civilization of winter, the civilization of cold, which embodied communism, briefly prevailed. Many believe that with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Cold War ended, but materialistic and atheistic views are still widespread in the world. These ideas are represented by the two main ideological strands, democracy and communism; they are powerless to solve any problems.

Now, the highest rise in the development of civilization has been in the Pacific zone states, viz: Japan, Korea, and, again, the United States.

The civilization of spring is coming soon. It will overcome the crisis created by the civilization of autumn and resist the formidable civilization of winter and cold, reaching its peak in the civilization of the Korean Peninsula, thus uniting with Asia. A high-level culture is concentrated here. With its help, a new world will be created.