Formation of the people

Writing and etymology in Korean
국민의 성장
[gugmin-ui seongjang]
國民의 成長
國民 (국민) [gugmin] – people; nation
成長 (성장) [seongjang] – formation; growth

What was the fate of the oppressed peoples from a historical point of view? If a group of people had a clear goal, then even if they were persecuted for a long time, they could avoid death. Moreover, in the face of trials, they only rallied closer and became stronger. In history we will find many examples confirming the correctness of these words.

If we look at the Israelites, we will see that even in the most difficult conditions they always remembered that their people were chosen by God. Wherever they went they were subjected to resentment and persecution. However, despite everything, they hoped that their day would come. Troubles and hardships did not lead them to despair, on the contrary, they served as an incentive to strengthen unity. Together, the Israelis found a way out of the most difficult situations. This is what helped them to stand on the path of historical trials.

The deeper they comprehended the tragic fate of their destitute people, the better they realized their situation, the more firmly the idea of ​​an ideal nation was strengthened in their minds, the feeling of national community and patriotism intensified. The blows of fate forced them to work harder for the creation of a new state and encouraged them to fight for freedom in spite of adverse circumstances. So their grief turned into a driving force. Such a people will win in the end.

When faced with difficult circumstances, some people lose confidence in themselves. However, if hope is alive in the heart of a person, he will be able to restore inner strength and achieve his goal. If people keep a clear understanding of their goal, even in their grief they will draw strength to continue their journey with hope.

It can be said with confidence: a people that does not give in to despair in difficult times, but only unites its ranks more closely, burning with love for the motherland, will eventually be able to change world history.

The more difficulties a nation overcomes on its difficult historical path, the better prepared it will be to inherit the worldwide victorious foundation.