Purpose of religion

Writing and etymology in Korean
종교의 목적
[jong-gyoui mogjeog]
宗敎의 目的
宗敎 (종교) [jong-gyo] – religion
目的 (목적) [mogjeog] – purpose

Many wise men and saints lived on earth, but the main result of their life was the establishment and development of various religions. Over the centuries, many religious movements have arisen, and some continue to exist to this day.

Since the beginning of time, humanity has been waging a continuous struggle against evil. Human history is an ongoing process of transforming a world of evil into a world of good, a process in which religion plays a major role. The language, culture, way of life, history and religion of each people are unique, but they are all designed to serve one goal – to strengthen goodness.

World cultures, each in the center with a certain religion and philosophy, are a tool for building a world of good. Christianity – in the West, Islam – in the Middle East, Hinduism – in India, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism – in the Far East: in Korea, Japan and China.

Our time is an era of transformation, when, thanks to the truth, humanity will comprehend true love and establish the dominion of good where evil prevailed. It was for this purpose that various religious movements were formed, developed and gained strength.

Universal principles and a single religious and cultural sphere are the two elements necessary for the emergence of the ideal world of human dreams. Based on true personality and true family, the Heavenly Parent intends to begin the creation of a united people and world.