Center of the Universe

Writing and etymology in Korean
우주의 중심
[udjue chushim]
宇宙 (우주) – universe
中心 (중심) – center

The universe can be represented in the form of a large circle, inside which there are small circles. In the very center is a small dot representing a person. Naturally, everyone wants to be in the center of the Universe. No one but a human has such a desire. Only human consider himself the center of the Universe, connected to all higher levels.

The circles surrounding a person are family, society, nation, world and the universe. A person can look at himself as the top of a pyramid, standing at the base of all these higher levels. Everyone wants to be at the very top or above everyone. This is human nature.

The higher the level of existence, the less it is influenced by your personal movement. In order to have an impact on the entire universe, enormous efforts are required from a person, and usually no one wants to undertake them.

If a person follows his whims and caprices, not paying attention to the surrounding circumstances, what will be the consequences, what will this lead to? A person who neglects family, society, nation and world isolates himself and eventually loses everything. And no matter how hard he works, the results will be related only to him and nothing else. Can he find happiness then?

And if a person occupies the right position in the center of the Universe, then all his work and achievements expand and connect with the highest levels. Such a person controls all the values ​​of the universe thanks to his all-encompassing connections.

Most people constantly leave their position and retreat. If a person does not occupy his place in the Universe, the Universe will try to reject him. It is like a tumor on the body. Many people like solitude, they have a purely individualistic attitude to life; they consider themselves free because they do as they please. Nevertheless, all their efforts on the way to happiness and success will encounter the opposition of the forces of the Universe. In the end, they will find themselves in a pitiful situation. And if a person takes the right position, all his efforts will be multiplied by the universal force and his life will naturally become much easier.