Building global peace

Writing and etymology in Korean
세계 평화의 구축
[segye pyeonghwaui guchug]
世界 平和의 構築
世界 (세계) [segye] – global, world
平和 (평화) [pyeonghwa] – peace
構築 (구축) [guchug] – building

Today there is a lot of talk about peaceful coexistence, about a united world, but the question is whether we can achieve harmony and unity within ourselves.

Mutual love entails a great desire to lovingly give everything to your partner and demand nothing in return. The foundation of peace is laid in an environment where people serve each other. The flame of rebirth flares up in the place where people sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Fragrant flowers will bloom in the place where people serve each other.

If we do not pray for the salvation of the world with the willingness to give our lives for it, this world will turn into a heap of garbage and become like an abandoned grave. If being bended under the burden of worries we suddenly notice a beacon of hope in the distance, we will throw away all our grievances and will not allow the expansion of evil.

By working only for ourselves, we become accomplices of evil. Having led our family, we need to live for the sake of the country and the world. People living today are destined to strengthen the foundation of goodness throughout their lives. Inside every person there are the beginnings of evil, drawing him to the path of selfishness. We can protect ourselves from this negative impact by setting a good example. We need to expand our foundation of goodness as quickly as possible and manage to do this during our earthly life. This means that we need to work, forgetting about rest.

The person who sheds his blood in a fierce battle for the sake of building universal peace and freedom will not die. The blood shed by him heralds not death, but a surge of vitality. In this way he paves the foundation upon which we must rise in order to strengthen it and pass it on to future generations.