Human degradation

Writing and etymology in Korean
墮落 (타락) – degradation
人間 (인간) – human, humanity

Our world is full of conflicts, it cannot be called ideal. From century to century people fought and killed each other because of linguistic, cultural, national, racial, ideological differences, because of the lack of love for each other. Confusion, contradictions, disagreements, enmity and suffering have become an integral part of our lives.

Why does human life pass in the midst of suffering? A clear contradiction arises: people have always dreamed of living peacefully and happily, but reality has never met their expectations. God is the Essence perfect and absolute, He could not create a world full of contradictions. Therefore, the problem lies in the person himself. It is impossible to deny it.

The degradation of humanity implies a distortion of the original plan, the displacement of a person from a higher position to a lower one. Its essence lies in the fact that the soul and body have left their original position. We can say that they are separated. The evil soul wants to do evil, while the original soul wants to do good. Striving for two incompatible goals, they wage a fierce struggle in every person. This conflict has found its expression in the confrontation between the physical instincts and human conscience.

What is left for people who find themselves in this situation to do? They need to rise again to the height from which they fell. In order to return to the original position, we must go through the process of re-creation. During life, a person must achieve unity of soul and body, bring into harmony the physical instincts and aspirations of conscience.

Mankind needs a teaching that would show how to put the ideal of love into practice. It is no coincidence that all religions that have arisen in the course of history contain a message about the nature of love.