Spiritual growth

Writing and etymology in Korean
靈 (영) – spirit
成長 (성장) – growth

Growing up as a man involves both spiritual and physical development. The purpose of human life is not so much about physical development as it is primarily about raising the spiritual level of the individual.

In the natural world, we need nutrients in order to grow. To grow spiritually, we must absorb the vital elements that we get from doing good deeds. But if we do destructive actions, we will end up at the bottom of society.

Spiritual growth can be compared to getting an education. If a person is preparing to defend a dissertation, then all the initial knowledge, well assimilated, forms the basis of his efforts to defend it.

Our spiritual growth is possible during our physical life on earth. And if a person’s behavior is wrong, his development can stop because the soul will be darkened by evil. And at the same time, correction of mistakes during physical life stimulates and directs our spiritual growth. It occurs only together with the constant renewal of our soul.