World tree

Writing and etymology in Korean
세계 나무
[segye namu]
世界 (세계) [segye] - world
樹 (나무) [namu] - tree

Look at the gigantic tree that stands in the yard on the lawn. For it not to be diseased, every part of it must exist harmoniously with the system as a whole. Even the smallest leaves are connected to the whole tree, and that connection gives them life. Between the roots, the trunk, the large and small branches, and finally the leaves, the action of giving and receiving must flow freely. If the connection of the leaves to the entire system is interrupted, they will die, and eventually the entire tree will die. In the same way, we need to maintain our connection with the trunk and the roots, so that we, as little branches, can grow and thrive.

A country is a big branch on the world tree. A family is a bundle of leaves on a large branch. We cannot suddenly declare, “I don’t need a trunk! All I need are the leaves closest to me,” because that would lead us to death. Whether we want it or not, we need interaction with the trunk, for through it, we get our nourishing juices. Nor can every other country declare, “We don’t need the roots and trunk of the world tree. We are a big enough branch to survive on our own.” Each nation is only a branch that must serve the roots and trunk, or it will not fulfill its true purpose.

The leaves must serve the smaller branches, those serve the needs of the larger branches, which in turn serve the whole trunk. When the smallest leaf, contributing in this way, connects with the roots, it can say, “The tree is me, from where I am to the roots! Look at me – I may look small, but I am mighty.”

This is why we need to serve a common purpose more than a personal one. Then living as a representative of the entire will be our tradition. After all, in everyone lives the desire to represent something of greater value than himself, and to achieve victory in the struggle for something great.