
Writing and etymology in Korean
蕩 (탕) – to wander
減 (감) – reduce, subtract

The providential history of restoration depends on people fulfilling their responsibility. If someone’s responsibility is not fulfilled, indemnity inevitably follows. This law remains unchanged. On the path of restoration by indemnity, the Heavenly Parent cannot help us. We must walk that path ourselves. If we receive His help, it will not be indemnity.

When someone has lost his original position or state, he must make some condition to be restored to it. The making of such conditions of restitution is called indemnity. For example, to recover lost reputation, position or health, one must make the necessary effort or pay the due price. Suppose two people who once loved each other come to be on bad terms; they must make some condition of reconciliation before the love they previously enjoyed can be revived.

We walk the path of redemption to fulfill our responsibility and thereby turn history in the right direction. Much that once went wrong must be redeemed. The path of indemnity is different for everyone. Our paths are different because everyone’s measure of indemnity is different.

In the history of God’s providence, no step forward has ever been given without indemnity. Indemnity is not necessarily something bad. Through indemnity, there is perspective for the future. The providence of restoration through indemnity is not achieved easily. Each stage of providence requires more and more indemnity to develop.

If we need to redeem something, it is better to do it before we die. The conditions of indemnity will not be created by sitting idly by, but they can be created by dedication. Today should be better than yesterday, and tomorrow better than today.

The amount of indemnity we pay will be transformed into love and become part of our inner essence. The more we serve and honor people, the sooner we will atone for our sins.