
Writing and etymology in Korean
藝 (예) [ye] – craft, technique
術 (술) [sul] – talent, skill

It is the original nature of human beings to seek and express beauty. The internal world of human beings include emotions, intellect and will, and the physical body acts on the command of the soul. So, people tirelessly seek beauty, truth, and love and express their aspirations through art, science, and religion.

No matter how precious a work of art is in a museum, can it be compared to a living work of art? Our world is a work of art created by the Heavenly Parent.

Literature seeks to express the profound lyricism of nature, and fine art, in all its variety of genres and forms, tries to reflect the manifest or latent beauty of nature.

Art inspires people instantly. It is full of enthusiasm and energy. Music can have the strongest impact on many people in a short time and add new motivation to help orient young people. That’s the role of culture and art.

Art is meaningless if there is no emotional depth behind it. A great work of art must be able to touch the deepest depths of the human soul; it does not matter if it was created in our time or a thousand years ago. If a painting can evoke such deep feelings in us, it is a true masterpiece.

There are no boundaries in the world of culture and art. Art freely goes beyond nationalities, races and ideologies. Its purpose is not to become a tool of ideology or any secret agenda. The fundamental principles of art are harmony and unity. In other words, in the world of art, East and West must understand and accept each other, because the essence of art is universal and accessible to all without exception.