
Writing and etymology in Korean
禮 (예) – manners, etiquette
義 (의) – righteousness, morality

In Korean, etiquette is expressed by the word 예의 (禮義), which means “rules of conduct in society.”

The character 禮 [ye]means a wide range of related concepts – “rules of conduct, custom, propriety.” This concept combines two main meanings – “ethics” and “ritual”. It refers to rituals that provided an opportunity to demonstrate the unity of the world and to overcome various political conflicts.

In our era of permissiveness, no one attaches too much importance to manners, but it is significant to follow them. If we do not teach young people good manners, we will dig a grave for ourselves: our family will have no future. In families with noble traditions, there are many sources and ways to raise children: they are taught how to communicate with adults, with peers and with parents.

Children born into respectable families are instilled with prudence and restraint in all things. Every step, every word, every planned action—everything must be prudent. Etiquette and manners are a complicated thing and hard to learn. What child would want to watch his or her manners?

There is an expression, “The soul of man is the soul of Heaven.” The purpose of all rules and laws in human society is to build relationships based on the laws of conscience. All these rules serve to harmonize relationships. They put man and woman on the same plane, where the axis for them is love. Consequently, we must always achieve harmony in our relationships with the heart of saints who love the world, sons, and daughters who love the Heavenly Parent. This requires us to have humility toward those around us.

We must maintain an etiquette consistent with the law of love.