
Writing and etymology in Korean
韓 (한) – Korea
國 (국) – nation, country

Koreans are a peace-loving people by nature. They migrated to the east, escaping from wars and violence, and eventually reached the Korean Peninsula. Having reached places with excellent natural and climatic conditions, the Koreans settled there. They call their country “Hanguk” or “Land of Morning Calm”.

For 5,000 years Koreans have carefully passed on their traditions and customs from generation to generation. Throughout the ages Korea has suffered from the aggression of stronger countries, but Koreans have not lost their national identity and today they represent an ethnically homogeneous group.

Koreans have always loved God and religion – this is a characteristic feature of the Korean people. They experienced the influence of Buddhism, Confucianism and Christianity. It follows that the world’s major religions have brought their influences into Korean culture.

Koreans are also called “people in white clothes.” A man dressed in white can be seen from afar even at night. White color can serve as an identification mark in our gloomy world.

Korea is a country in which deep family traditions and customs have been preserved. The Korean tradition of creating large families in which three generations live together in one house has been passed down over 5,000 years of Korean history.

From the point of view of the history of civilizations, the Korean peninsula, although very small, occupies an important position. To the north of it is the border of civilization of the cold region – Russia and China. In the south are the civilizations of the temperate region – the USA and Japan.

Due to the confrontation between democracy and communism, the people and territory of Korea are divided into two parts. From this point of view, Korea can be called a micromodel of the world. All the problems that arise in the world are manifested on a smaller scale on the Korean Peninsula. The experience of the Korean people in the confrontation with communism is important not only for Korea, but also for solving problems around the world.

It is possible to assume that Korea will become the home of the civilization of the warm zone, which will mark the onset of a new spring in human history.