Heavenly ethics

Writing and etymology in Korean
하늘의 윤리
[haneul-ui yunli]
天의 倫理
天 (하늘) [haneul] – Heaven
倫理 (윤리) [yunli] – ethics

Can we say that good and evil really exist? If so, what is good and what is evil? If good and evil oppose each other, there must be a boundary between them.

Morning leaves and noon comes, but can you say that noon has come at that moment? Can anyone determine the exact time of the change of season, for example, the moment when spring gives way to summer? It’s hard to find one.

So where do we find the starting point of human goodness? If the standard for judging a truly good person is unknown, then we will never know its opposite, that is, we will not know when we can turn into evil.

In wishing to set the direction for the ethics and morality of man, we cannot simply rely on people working together under the direction of the constitution. But each nation is improving, using the ideas of the best people from its history as the basis. This is an indisputable fact.

There are many famous and great people of world scale. They are in every nation. However, there are not many saints. On reflection, we will remember the four great saints. Jesus is the leader of Christianity, Buddha is the leader of Buddhism, Confucius is the leader of Confucianism, and Muhammad is the leader of Islam.

What did the saints teach? They taught not only the human way. They indicated the direction that mankind has been looking for throughout its history; their teachings were fundamental. The content of their teachings was that a person should follow Heaven and earth, relying on the basic principle. Human beings have not only human ethics, but also heavenly ethics. Not only a human heart, but a heavenly heart. Human ethics does not originate in people, it perfects itself by following heavenly ethics and copying it.

Relying only on human ethics, happiness cannot be achieved. To achieve happiness, it must be based on heavenly ethics.