Importance of family

Writing and etymology in Korean
가족의 중요성
[gajog-ui jung-yoseong]
家族의 重要性
家族 (가족) [gajog] – family
重要性 (중요성) [ jung-yoseong] – importance

Family is the place where we learn how to love humanity. When children who were surrounded by the warmth of love from their parents go into the world, they will car love their own brothers and sisters take care of their neighbors in society. In every person they meet on their way, they will see a member of their family. The path to true family begins in the heart of love, when we treat strangers as family, sharing everything e for people in need as they learned at home. People brought up towith them.

Another reason the family is important is that it extends to the whole world. A true family is the foundation of a true society, a true nation, and a true world. This is the starting point from which world peace and God’s Kingdom begin. Parents will work for their children until their bones melt. However, they do not only work to feed the children. A person whose soul is filled with love is able to work both for others and for God.

A family is an environment that creates protection for its members, but it does not prevent love from coming out. In fact, love from the family should be transmitted to society. No matter how much love is poured out, love in the family will never fade, because it comes from God. Such love is bottomless, no matter how much we dig, we will not see the bottom. Love is like pure spring water, the more we dig, the more it comes out. A person raised in this love will live a true life.