Philosophy of peace

Writing and etymology in Korean
평화 철학
[pyeonghwa cheolhag]
平和 哲學
平和 (평화) [pyeonghwa] – peace
哲學 (철학) [cheolhag] – philosophy

Since militant evil has always dominated on the Earth, the conflicts between good and evil have not stopped. All this was the result of the struggle of the soul and body. The conflict in a person led to a conflict in the family, which turned into conflicts in society, the country and the world. The world we live in is not abode of peace, it will not give any guarantees for the future. We live in an unfavorable environment.

There are many countries, but they do not strive for the ideal of the peace, they are closer to their own petty ideals. That is why humanity groans in agony, sorrow and disappointment. This is not how the homeland of mankind should have been.

In their long history, people have never stopped searching for the ideal world – the embodiment of purpose, ideal, happiness, peace and freedom, full of joy, a world where the heart could find peace. To embody such a world, the upbringing of shimjeong is necessary.

Harmony will never be where people only demand love. The basis of the peace is formed in an environment where people live for each other. Peace and unity are unreal until people learn to give love. It is necessary to understand that this is what the Heavenly Parent is constantly calling humanity to.

There are not only our parents, brothers, sisters and children in the world. When we learn to look at all people as our own parents, brothers, sisters and children, when we are imbued with human suffering in this world, we will not be able to hold back our tears.

We need to start over, find the source of God’s love, and live for others. Without finding the source, we will never achieve world peace.

We must lead our family and live for the sake of the country and the world. By your personal example, relationships in the family, in society, in the country, you need to demonstrate to the environment the right direction, based on your experience.