Meaning of life

Writing and etymology in Korean
삶의 의미
[salm-ui uimi]
人生의 意味
人生 (삶의) [salm-ui] – life
意味 (의미) [uimi] – meaning

We are born and die against our will. Nevertheless, we are responsible for the destiny of our generation. From birth a person strives for something, choosing an occupation, but there are also things that we are obliged to do due to circumstances.

Why is life given to a person? Men and women will say that they are born to grow up and create a family. If you list the important moments in a person’s life, among them, of course, there will be marriage, the right choice of a life partner. The birth of children is the next important step after marriage, as well as maintaining a happy life.

Happiness is becoming a very important element in family life, but where can you find it? If there is no obvious hope or happiness in the world, sooner or later everything will end in despair. And after a while even seemingly happy couples suddenly experience conflict in their lives.

Each of us must find for himself such a way of life that they would later say about us that we lived not for ourselves, but for the good of other people. And if there is an opportunity to find such a way, we should do it. By serving others we realize the purpose of our existence.

Imagine that thousands of generations later we would ask one of our descendants whether the way we used to live looks wisely or foolishly now? Whomever you ask, even God, whether love is exactly the criterion that we should be guided by in our lives, you will be answered “Yes”.

We were born responsible for true love, and only this will help us to realize our true worth. Nothing else has such value, nor money, or property, or power, or knowledge. True love arises when we live for the sake of others. The most valuable thing is to devote the best part of our life, all our energy, to the benefit of true love. When you live for the sake of others, eventually the entire universe will serve you and live for you.