Subjective consciousness

Writing and etymology in Korean
주체 의식
[chuche uishik]
主體 (주체) [chuche] – subject
意識 (의식) [uishik] – consciousness

As a man grows older, he begins to take on the position of a subject. In the family, for example, parents are subjects for their children, in school teachers are subjects for their students, in a company a manager is a subject for his subordinates, for the people the subject is the government.

The mental attitude that the subject must have toward the object is subject consciousness, and it includes participation in the life of the object and love toward it.

The alienation of people, which is a serious problem today, stems from the fact that subjects do not feel involvement with their objects. Lack of involvement means that the subject feels no responsibility for the object. In such conditions, the object ceases to trust and obey the subject. Therefore, the subject must not neglect the object.

Usually, management by command methods is seen as a manifestation of the consciousness of the subject, but in reality this is not the case. To be the subject is to love the object. But the opposite happens, some leaders are always condescending to their subordinates, and so it is difficult for them to gain authority.

If the leader does not have authority, subordinates will not take him seriously. Therefore, the subject must gain authority and at the same time love the object. This means that love has not only an affectionate side, like spring, but also a stern side, like winter. Love can be expressed in different ways, depending on the time and specific circumstances.

Now consider the subject position that humans take relating to the natural world. When man inherits the Heart of the Creator, he can dominate the world of creation, manifesting his capacity for creation based on love.

In the relationship between Heavenly Parent and man, the Creator is the subject and gives love, while man, being the object, returns beauty. Man is the subject, giving love, and woman is the object, returning beauty. In the natural world, man is the subject giving love to all creation, the object giving back beauty. When subject and object create a complete harmonious unity, the subject can act as the object and the object as the subject.